Welcome to 32 Mondays

Welcome to 32 Mondays!

I want to thank you for being here, for choosing this program among many others out there and for trusting me to be the one to help through your transformation.

During the weeks ahead we are going to work together you are going to discover a new world full of possibilities. You'll see there is a bright light after the grey cloud surrounding many of the misconceptions and confusing ideas you have about weight management.

And even if you already know that it wasn't your fault you'll discovery will make you a free person, with a higher autoestime and trust.

There is nothing difficult or hard to do. Just gradual changes in your habits that will ad up until you transform you day into a bunch of healthy decisions and habits.

But you have to promise yourself:

First: Promise that you are committed to make every single of those simple changes so you can see your transformation as soon as possible.

Second: Promise that if for some reason one day things don't go the way are supposed to go, you'll keep going not looking back.

Third: Promise that you wont let anything or anybody, including your negative toughts about yourself, hold you back!

WELCOME again, and see you soon!

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